Sunday, 29 May 2016


I started a wordpress blog but I cannot find any viewers. Not that I mind but it would be nice to see some viewers or followers. Funny how this blog gets viewers from US and russia and I'm like.. how did you find me??

Right now I'm trying to write my literature review. I had the whole semester to do it but of course, in good old jun fashion, I left it to the last minute. It said it's due on the 30th of May but it didn't really specify the time. I was trying to aim for midnight on the 29th of May but yeah.. I'm not going to finish this by midnight.

So my literature review is on 5G.. you know, the wireless communication thing. Specifically, it's on data management and I'm looking at interference management + spectrum management. It's all pretty new and I'm reading into the latest articles on this subject. So you basically have all the main telecommunication vendors + academics trying to figure out the specifications and how to implement 5G and this is all going to happen by 2020. We'll probably see 5G being used in phones and IoTs a few years after that. It'll probably even surpass our crappy nbn right now with aims of 1ms latency and higher data rates.

I also got some pre work reports due at 10am and 1 hw quiz due at 12pm.

Tonight is going to be a long night. Thank god I got a coffee machine...although it makes me wanna poo poo.


Sunday, 22 May 2016


New blog, clean slate.

A lot has been happening with uni and work. There's a literature review I need to write by the 30th, need to write notes for exams and trying to manage work in between that.

Not really sure what I was expecting out of this blog.

We'll see.

They know they're not supposed to be under the deck... but how can I deny them when they look at me like this